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resident evil wallpaper zombie

resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evil
  • Resident Evil

  • speakerwizard
    Nov 15, 08:11 AM
    well, OSX whooped xp for multicore usage then

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Erythos - Wallpaper Art
  • Erythos - Wallpaper Art

  • windowsblowsass
    Mar 27, 11:41 AM
    Sorry but I disagree - what you say here is just something you made up !!!! Safari is a good browser and Apple only made it cause MS pulled IE. Think about it. Apple may have money but it needs to do something else to kick start growth....The Ipod doesn't have long to go...Itunes will still do well but it doesn't give Apple enough money !

    Don't forget - please sign the petition.....
    reasons your wrong
    1. he didnt make up a word of it
    2. apple made safari before ms pulled ie
    3.the ipod has a long time to go their not going to just say screw it when its selling
    4.ITMS is making them money after the record companies are paid back for the use of the songs every cent is profit
    5. less than 20 people have signed your petition and do you really think its going to get apple to change their entire strategyi can see it now steve jobs sees our online pettion and immediatly calls a meating "i just had an appihany some kid said to make a cheap computer that hooks up to your tv weve been completely wrong all theese yearsapple is now only going to make web tv type systems and nothing else my god what have i been doing"

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. The Resident Evil: Outbreak
  • The Resident Evil: Outbreak

  • brad.c
    Nov 28, 10:00 AM
    Deep pockets or not, MS will have a struggle to find a niche. But at least they were smart enough to put in a radio.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. resident evil zombie pictures
  • resident evil zombie pictures

  • boncellis
    Jul 18, 02:51 PM
    I have mixed feelings about this. The only way I see this really becoming big is if Apple releases a Mac Mini media center. By so doing, Apple will catch a huge market of people who say, "What do you want to watch tonight?" How many times have you been in this situation. You've looked at all your movies, which you've seen at least three times each, and decide that you don't have anything you want to watch. Would if, from your remote, you had a whole movie store IN YOUR HOME? That's right. Who needs to go to Blockbuster or wait for NetFlix. Just point, click, and...hello, movie. You get to keep it for a few days.

    This will only work, though, if it is that easy. If people have to figure out their own way to get it to the TV, they will simply go get the DVD from Blockbuster, because the player is already hooked up to the TV. If Apple wants to make it in the movie business, they need to build something that is meant to hook up to the TV right OUT OF THE BOX.

    I'm excited to see it!

    Right. Just like that super successful venture Moviebeam.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Cool Guy - Resident Evil,
  • Cool Guy - Resident Evil,

  • izzle22
    Aug 16, 09:39 PM
    There is NO way in hell Apple will ever release anything in a country other than the USA first. So you can stop getting your hopes up. Apple is an American co. and they will release products here first such as Sony sometimes releases products first in Japan. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    Apple's headquarters has begun dispatching its staff to its major markets in Asia, to teach local sales how to demonstrate the new products, the sources noted.

    Something about this statement means iPhone and not new iPod. Reason? The MP3 playing phones are selling very very well and Apple will have to break into a market currently dominated by Sony, Toshiba, Samsung and other Asian makers that are producing MP3 playing phones. The current Toshiba models have 2+ GB space for music. My phone can hold 250MB of music (old).

    Softbank of Japan (recently bought Vodafone Japan) has been tooting the upcoming technology that they want to present to the market to take a bigger bite out of DoCoMo.

    There was a rumore a few months back that the iPhone would be released first in Japan and then other places. Reason? iPod sales are falling as more Japanese want to have just one item to do phone and music. If the iPhone can do all the functions of a nano and a phone, you bet it would be a huge hit in Japan. Therefore Apple would have to dispatch lots of tech people to help get it understood not to Apple staff (like all of us...it would be a no brainer of a product) but to Softbank staff (mostly young minimally educated girls in cute uniforms).

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evilgt;hot Zombie Shyt!
  • Resident Evilgt;hot Zombie Shyt!

  • ipodG8TR
    Aug 16, 11:19 AM
    Actually, you can get Sirius in Canada and are able to stream Sirius anywhere in the world IF you have an account registered in the US. I've heard of many international customers setting up accounts to listen abroad.

    I'm just saying that I think the two would compliment each other nicely. You could use the service as just an ipod, a receiver for Sirius or BOTH.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Fandom: Resident Evil
  • Fandom: Resident Evil

  • KindredMAC
    Nov 27, 02:51 PM
    I like the idea of a 17" widescreen Apple LCD..... however ONLY if it is priced at $199. Like everyone keeps saying, you can pick up a mighty nice 19" Widescreen LCD at Best Buy or Walmart for between $179-$249. I should know, I have 3 ProViews hooked up to my PowerMac G5 at home and have loved life for the last 9 months!

    But in reality, I don't think a 17" is Apple's answer. Lowering the prices of the current model lineup is indeed the way to go. I've been one of the biggest bitchers about Apple's price point on LCD's for years now. That 20" LCD should not be anymore than $299. Plain and simple...simple and plain!

    The 23" model should be in the ball park of $499 and the 30" should pop in at $999. Then to really goose people, Apple should bring a 36" model in at $1499.

    Apple LCDs are not worth the extra price tag as long as you do your home work before purchasing an LCD monitor from a different company.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. story of Resident Evil,
  • story of Resident Evil,

  • John Jacob
    Jul 21, 08:00 AM
    Here are historical Mac sales by quarter.

    1Q2000 - 1,377,000
    3Q2006- 1,327,000

    So we are still not back upto Q1 2000 numbers? :eek:

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. resident evil zombie
  • resident evil zombie

  • DavieBoy
    Jun 22, 12:21 PM
    it is the only product now to start with the "i" and not run the "i"OS.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. wallpapers resident evil
  • wallpapers resident evil

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 01:22 PM
    Pet Store, the trademark, was not a word mark but a Typed Drawing mark. Hence it's the logo itself that was trademarked, not the phrase.

    Try again.

    Its a trademark. Give me a break. What do you think the "typed drawing" said?

    Try again Knight.

    Anyway, didn't Apple again use "We have the largest App Store" in their financials just last week, implying other "App Stores" weren't as large but that the term App Store is quite descriptive and generic ?

    Too bad for them they keep diluting their own trademark. Anyway, until the USPTO is done with their opposition phase, it's not decided yet.

    That is a very weak argument. Apple does not say they are the only app store. They have the largest app store. And their app store is named App Store™​ and the name is trademarked.

    I think you mean App Store™​

    Never forget cmd-alt-2 (or apple-option-2 if you're old-skool) ;)


    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Leon S. Kennedy Wallpaper
  • Leon S. Kennedy Wallpaper

  • Lunja
    Jan 7, 06:47 PM

    YAY! I'll download that tomorrow!

    As for media buttons, when I had my PC (shudder) I loved them. If I wanted to rewind a song or video while I was typing, I could just hit the rewind button and back it's go, withou me having to leave Word or touch the mouse. And since Apple is all about media I've always thought they'd be a nice addition.

    Plus, the keyboard is WAYYYY overdue for an update. I've got an eMac from 2003 (I think...) and the keyboard is virtually the same as the one my gf just got with her Mac Pro.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Wallpaper I created of a
  • Wallpaper I created of a

  • JimEJr
    Apr 21, 02:10 PM
    Yea, we're all safe now...Al's come to the rescue!!!

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evil Zombie Shirt
  • Resident Evil Zombie Shirt

  • Digital Dude
    Jun 22, 03:09 PM
    I don’t feel this should be a ‘Page 2’ topic in that it makes more sense as to why Apple is dragging its feet on a replacement of their 30-inch desktop display.

    As for a new MacPro, I think Apple couldn't care less about professional designers anymore. It's now all about bubblegum social interaction with 16-year old bee-bopping mall kids.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. This picture has been resized to 750 pixels wide. Click on the picture to download the original resolution. Wallpapers Video Games Zombie attack !
  • This picture has been resized to 750 pixels wide. Click on the picture to download the original resolution. Wallpapers Video Games Zombie attack !

  • iTouch.lover22
    Oct 24, 11:41 PM
    Hey guys, I just noticed that there's a pixelskin HD for the iPod 4th gen. I saw that the original Pixelskin was out for a while, but not the HD version. Has this been out for a while or was it just released?

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evil: Degeneration
  • Resident Evil: Degeneration

  • SBlue1
    May 3, 01:58 AM
    I think this is pretty awesome. I know that currently all you have to do is drag the app to the trash but it always bothers me that it could leave leftover files in Library, etc., which is why I use AppCleaner. I think having this more streamlined and comprehensive way of removing apps would be a lot better.

    Apple could have adressed this problem by simply popping up a window when you drad a programm icon to the trash asking you if you want to delete just this programm or uninstall all of its data.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. miss my zombies :( all in
  • miss my zombies :( all in

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 01:08 PM
    Spam? No, just off topic. But all these posts about his one post being off topic? Now that I could consider spam.

    like i said, repeating same off-topic thing in several threads is imo spam

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evil: Extinction
  • Resident Evil: Extinction

  • chasingapple
    Jul 13, 10:49 PM
    I say no thanks. Optical storage is way too slow! Why should I pay $1000 to get a 33GB disc that is slow on accessing when I can spend WAY LESS and use another harddrive thats 300GB+ and rewritable, or buy a 100 pack of DVD-R's for $10? I for one dont see this HD-DVD / Bluray thing getting big anytime soon, and Im sure as hell not going to rebuy my DVD collection, higher res or no higher res, I mean hell... I dont even have an HD TV yet,too damn expensive!

    Apple - wait on this one please. Just put superdrives in everything and leave the combo drive in the past.

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. Resident Evil Degeneration
  • Resident Evil Degeneration

  • vvv
    Nov 29, 09:46 AM
    So. Microsoft’s mouse market share is so large that everyone is Logitech is peeing their pants? How about Microsoft’s total dominance of the Apple ][+ CPM card market?

    Give me a break. Show me one area where Microsoft’s hardware has lead to a market share the size of iPod’s hold on MP3 players? I can’t think of a single one, can you?

    They have been in the console biz for 1.2 generations, and their second generation console, a "moderate success", is looking like it will "win" this generation of console wars, I know I'm not alone in thinking that.

    But I can think of a lot of software plays: Windows, Office, Visual Studio, Project/Visio. I can think of some moderate successes: Windows CE in embedded space, Xbox 360. As well as a lot of failures: Tablet PC, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, UPMC, Windows Media Center, Plays For Sure, Xbox.

    Their software sales are driven by getting in on the ground floor, windows for example, Office, and then trying to destroy all other comers (through various, often unscrupulous means), where as in the hardware market they play catch up, xbox, etc. I think we can all agree it's much easier to get in on the ground floor, than when everyone else is on floor 13.

    I don't think MS is as worried about their mice as they are multimedia products, the xbox and the new zune brand are much more important than that, making the MS brand "nicer" more friendly etc. As more and more people want a computer in their living room, MS wants to be there to give it to them. Their mice are fairly well respected the last time I checked anyways.

    See, unlike your narrow minded Microsoft fanboy-ism, I realize that the iPod dominance rests under three legs: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, and the iPod. Over the last five(!) years, Microsoft has used canon fodder to attack the latter two while it provided the first and the DRM for the second. Now the Zune is a direct attack, because two people at the top of Microsoft are jealous that after all these years QuickTime is still alive and well. They remember when they told Avi and Jobs to "knife the baby" and it’s really a thorn when they, the most profitable tech company in history, can’t back up that threat with action.

    Fanboyism, well when the debate is lost, the loser resorts to slander, I believe socrates said that. Anyways, I'm not a ms fanboy, but I realise that they have tons of money to burn, and that is not going to change any time soon. They own a good portion of apple if I'm not wrong.... They have no reason to not want apple to succeed, nor do I, competition breeds excellence, as I said, if apple is affraid of competition, then it's time for some.

    But until Microsoft wipes out Samsung and Creative, I think the burden of proof is on you. I pretty much destroyed your “Xbox is the shiznit” crap: it is, in no way, trending to dominate the market, and it won't even stop bleeding money until 2Q 2007. They’re just hoping Sony stumbles (which they are, but it looks like Nintendo is the primary recipient of Sony’s largess).

    How did you destroy the xbox crap? They entered the market, and now with a second generation product are looking like they will have the most market share of all of the next gen consoles, going against a 3rd and 6-7th generation products. It sold more ps3's or wii's on their opening weekend. I own a wii btw, and probably will own a ps3 in a bit. Xbox 360 has sold about 8 million, so far, I believe. It's pretty much agreed upon that they will own the N.A. console market, it's the other markets which are in contention.

    As for hoping Sony stumbles... Uh, the reason that sony looks like they are stumbling is because the ps3's online capability is being compared to XBL, that their console is being compared to the xbox, the fact that the ps3 can't output 1080i, wtf is that, and hey that may not be firmware fixable, they retracted that statement, etc etc etc. Go read any review of the PS3, they will mention things that are in direct comparison to the xbox. MS got it right this time, sony didn't. The only thing that is saving sony is their playstation brand name. Again, I'll own a ps3, but not for a while. I was REALLY excited about the ps3, and was a huge ps2 fan, but sony is pissing me off, and many, many other gamers as well. 600 dollars, comon, we all know that is crap, they loaded it with blueray and want us to pay for the pleasure of them shoving their format down our throats, perhaps we would like to play games, not watch your movies sony.

    Do you think it is a coincidence that the partner that Microsoft tapped to launch the Zune (Toshiba) was the only major player with less that 2% of the market? And while we are on the topic. Why the hell is Microsoft introducing a hard drive player when the units that Apple is selling and having trouble stocking are flash-based?

    Why did ms do that stuff, why are you asking me, I don't know. But maybe just maybe they don't care what apple is doing? Seems plausible to me, they got in on the console market by doing it completely different. Which I know, the 360 is a moderate success, sure, in japan sure.

    [I made a tiny error. Xbox sold 1.6 million units its launch quarter. They sold .9 million units last quarter. I got those two quarters confused.]

    ps3 has 250K units world wide so far, and most of those are on ebay. lol

    resident evil wallpaper zombie. all the mutated zombies.
  • all the mutated zombies.

  • thejadedmonkey
    Mar 24, 01:32 PM
    *Children Screaming in background

    Im no snob against AMD GPUS...but their CPU's are nearly 2 generations behind intel. I dont think Bulldozer is going to match the 1155 SB, much less the upcoming 2011 socket chips.

    What I want to see is a 27inch iMac with an HD 6970 2GB...Whoa whoa wee wow:eek:

    But for something like the MBA, where your options are a C2D or iX CPU, and a GPU that's runs like it's 2+ years old, vs a new GPU and a newish CPU, I'll choose AMD over Intel any day of the week.

    Apr 12, 10:24 PM
    Not true. If you buy a Mac-app or iOS app all the updates for that version are free. A new version is a whole new program that must be bought again on both platforms.

    What confuses you is that most iOS developers have decided to just keep updating their first version forever and not come out with a whole new version because they've decided that makes more sense on a smart phone than it does on a desktop machine.

    But that's a business decision, not a technical one. A developer could do it either way on either platform.

    MLB AtBat comes to mind, its been a purchase each year.

    Apr 9, 04:58 PM
    Maybe they are rare where you live. In the UK and the rest of Europe they are more common that automatics.

    Yep - I'm not sure that I have ever even been in an automatic!

    Carl Spackler
    Nov 29, 03:31 PM
    Ws there any mention of iTV's HD capabilities?

    Its outputs are HDMI and component video. It is designed for HD content.

    I learned to drive on a '79 RX-7. Brilliant automobile.

    M. Malone
    Oct 24, 02:05 AM
    this is OG stiff one

    it appears you forgot about that light that dims and brightens when the machine sleeps :D

    Mar 20, 05:07 PM
    And like I said, they dont have to be worried because homeopathy is not directly harmful to people. Ex-gay therapy is. This is not just an app based on christianity. Exodus International is an organization dedicated specifically to ex-gay therapy.